Manoj Jarange on Saturday launched a fresh indefinite hunger strike, his seventh in the last 16 months, demanding reservation for Marathas under the OBC quota. In addition to his quota demand, Jarange has sought capital punishment for the accused involved in murdering sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh.
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Jarange has been demanding the implementation of the draft notification that recognises Kunbis as 'sage soyare' (blood relatives) of Maratha community members for granting reservation to the latter under the Other Backward Classes (OBC) category.
Santosh Deshmukh, the sarpanch of Massajog village in Beed district, was abducted, tortured, and killed on December 9, 2024. Police have so far arrested seven persons.
Speaking to reporters in Antarwali Sarati village in Jalna district, Jarange expressed hope that Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis would address the Maratha community's demands, including their inclusion under the OBC category and justice for Deshmukh.
«The Maratha community supported the Mahayuti alliance in assembly elections, and it is now time for the government to fulfil promises,» he said and demanded the issuance of Kunbi certificates to those who have received the necessary records.
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