₹188 apiece on the BSE, and on NSE, ITC Hotels shares were listed at ₹180 apiece. The stock was listed over 30% discount to the discovered price, but better than analysts's expectations. ITC Hotels discovered price was ₹260 per share on the NSE and ₹270 per share on the BSE.
ITC Hotels shares will be removed from Nifty 50 and Sensex on T+3 day, which is listing, plus three business days. ITC Hotels demerger ratio was 1:10, meaning existing ITC shareholders received 1 ITC Hotels share for every 10 ITC shares. The parent ITC Ltd retained a 40.0% stake in the new entity, with the remaining 60.0% distributed to shareholders.
Catch ITC Hotels Listing Live Blog for the latest updates: ITC Hotels Share Listing Live: ITC Hotels share price lists at ₹188 apiece on the BSE, a discount of 30.37% to the discovered price of ₹270 per share. On NSE, ITC Hotels shares were listed at ₹180 apiece, a discount of 30.77% to the discovered price of ₹260 per share.ITC Hotels Share Listing Live: ITC Hotels share price settles at ₹188 apiece in pre-opening on BSE, a discount of 30.37% to the discovered price of ₹270 per share. On NSE, ITC Hotels shares settled at ₹180 apiece in pre-opening as against discovered price of ₹260 per share.ITC Hotels Share Listing Live: Following the demerger and listing of ITC Hotels Ltd, ITC Ltd shareholders are not expected to experience a material increase in value, as ITC Ltd's price will be adjusted to account for the holding company discount, said DevenChoksey Research.ITC Hotels Share Listing Live: ITC Hotels is one of the largest hotel companies with 140 hotels and ~13,000 operating keys as of October 2024.
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