Speaking at SCREEN Live, Ali Fazal provided exciting insights into the upcoming Mirzapur: The Film. Amid cheers from fans, he confirmed the return of beloved characters. “The film will feature not just me, but also Divyenndu, Pankaj Tripathi, and Abhishek Banerjee,” Ali shared. He further explained, “It’s like going back to the beginning and retelling the story. Once you see me cutting my hair and bulking up, you’ll know I’m back on the sets of Mirzapur.”
Richa Chadha humorously remarked on the connection between the two cinematic works. “Mirzapur was born from the belly of Gangs of Wasseypur,” she quipped, eliciting laughter from the crowd. Reflecting on her experience with GoW, Richa added, “It’s a cult film now, but when we were making it, we didn’t realise it would become such a phenomenon.”
With Mirzapur: The Film, fans can expect a cinematic adaptation that revisits the roots of the series while offering fresh narratives. By retelling earlier stories, the movie promises to bring back fan-favorite characters like Munna Bhaiyaa and Compounder, whose arcs had concluded in the series.
Ali and Richa also discussed their passion project, Girls Will Be Girls, their maiden production venture currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video. The project underscores their dedication to creating compelling, unique stories.
With the buzz surrounding Mirzapur: The Film, the anticipation is at an all-time high. For fans of Mirzapur and Gangs of Wasseypur,