Not Dead Yet," which premiered in February 2023, excited fans with Gina Rodriguez's new comedy role. The show was created by David Windsor and Casey Johnson, with Gina Rodriguez serving as an executive producer alongside Mary Viola, Corey Marsh, Dean Holland, and the creators of the series. Here is an update on what we know about the second season.
A specific release date for «Not Dead Yet» season 2 has not been announced. The comedy won't be back in 2023. ABC has confirmed its return in the midseason schedule, which means it may get released between January and March 2024. The renewal of the show was carried out by ABC in May 2023. The exact number of episodes for the upcoming season remains unknown as broadcast networks have varying episode counts. The first season had 13 episodes, and the second season may follow a similar pattern.
Season 1 is currently available for streaming on Hulu, while new episodes of Season 2 will be released weekly on ABC, becoming available on Hulu the following day.
The official cast list for season 2 has not been confirmed. However, it is expected that the main cast members, including Gina Rodriguez, Hannah Simone, Lauren Ash, and others, will return. The returning cast members may include:
Gina Rodriguez as Nell
Hannah Simone as Sam
Lauren Ash as Lexi
Rick Glassman as Edward
Joshua Banday as Dennis
Angela Gibbs as Cricket
When will Not Dead Yet season 2 be released?
Unfortunately, the release date for Not Dead Yet season 2 has not been confirmed. It won't return in 2023. ABC plans to bring it back in the midseason schedule, which is likely between January