India’s economy is now forecast to expand 7%, up from the 6.8% the IMF had projected in April, in part because of stronger consumer spending in rural areas.
Overall, the IMF said Tuesday that it still expects the world economy to grow a lackluster 3.2% this year, unchanged from its previous forecast in April and down a tick from 3.3% growth in 2023. From 2000 through 2019, before the pandemic upended economic activity, global growth had averaged 3.8% a year.
The IMF, a 190-nation lending organization, works to promote economic growth and financial stability and reduce global poverty. In a blog post that accompanied the latest update to its World Economic Outlook, the IMF's chief economist, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, wrote that China and India would account for nearly half of global growth this year.
(more to come)