Aggarwal on Friday unveiled the company's latest electric scooter portfolio, introducing improvements in efficiency and power. The Gen 3 platform introduces a dual anti-lock braking system (ABS) and Ola Electric’s patented brake-by-wire technology, increasing energy recovery by a claimed 15%.
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The new portfolio also features a mid-drive motor and chain drive for optimised performance and reliability, along with an integrated motor control unit (MCU). The Gen 3 models start at an introductory Rs 79,999 for the S1X (2kWh variant) and go up to Rs 1,69,999 for the S1 Pro+, which features a 5.3kWh battery and a 320-kilometre range.
“Each generation has had a major improvement in performance, in cost structure, customer experience and everything,” Aggarwal said. “Today, what we are announcing is not just another product, not just another incremental change, but a generational change in the product architecture. We hope that this moves the industry forward and pushes all our competitors to innovate even further for customers.”
He said Ola Electric has reclaimed its market leadership in India’s electric two-wheeler segment with a 25% market share. Bookings for the Gen 3 models opened Friday, with deliveries expected to begin in the next seven days. Ola Electric said it will continue selling its Gen 2 models at discounts of up to Rs