Netflix is set to bring a chilling adaptation of Hitoshi Iwaaki’s renowned manga, 'Parasyte,' to life. Directed by the acclaimed Yeon Sang Ho, 'Parasyte: The Grey' promises to deliver spine-tingling horror to your screens. Here's what you need to know about this upcoming South Korean series.
In 'Parasyte: The Grey,' viewers will delve into a world infested by unidentified parasitic life-forms that feed off human hosts. As these creatures disrupt society, a group of courageous humans wages war against the growing threat. The series revolves around characters like Jung Soo In, who forms an unusual cohabitation with a parasite, Seol Kang Woo on a mission to find his missing sister, and Choi Jun Kyung leading the parasitic life team known as 'The Grey.' This adaptation marks the first live-action series outside Japan, promising a fresh take on the beloved manga.
The stellar cast
Netflix has assembled a stellar cast for 'Parasyte: The Grey.' Jeon So Nee takes on the role of Jung Soo In, Koo Kyo Hwan embodies Seol Kang Woo, and Lee Jung Hyun, known as «The Techo Queen,» steps into the shoes of Choi Joon Kyung. These talented actors bring life to the characters in a narrative that promises both suspense and intrigue.
Production update
As of the latest update on 04/01/2024, 'Parasyte: The Grey' is in the post-production stage. Filming commenced in September 2022 and concluded in February 2023, and the series has been undergoing meticulous post-production work for almost a year. The team is working diligently to bring a visually captivating and emotionally resonant experience to the audience.
Release date anticipation
With the filming phase completed, the highly