Rick and Morty: The Anime" has officially set its release date. The animated series, which explores an alternate version of the original show's eccentric universe, is scheduled to premiere on Adult Swim at midnight on August 15. Fans can expect an exciting intergalactic adventure featuring the beloved sci-fi duo.
The English-language version of «Rick and Morty: The Anime» will debut on August 15 on Adult Swim, while the Japanese-language version with English subtitles will follow two days later, premiering at midnight on August 17. Each episode will be available for streaming on Max the day after its release, as per a report by Movieweb.
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Directed by the renowned Takashi Sano, known for his work on «Tower of God,» the series will consist of 10 episodes with a fresh voice cast. Joe Daniels (Youhei Tadano in Japanese) will voice Rick, Gabriel Regojo (Keisuke Chiba) will voice Morty, Donna Bella Litton (Akiha Matsui) will voice Summer, Joe Daniels (Manabu Muraji) will also voice Jerry, and Patricia Duran (Takako Fuji) will voice Beth.
Michael Ouweleen, president of Adult Swim, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, «Takashi Sano, in addition to being a super-talented director, is also a huge Rick and Morty fan. He’s the perfect person to give us all this alternate version of this amazing show”, as per the Movieweb report.
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