Telugu romantic drama Roti Kapada Romance is set to make its OTT debut on ETV Win on December 12, 2024, just two weeks after its theatrical release. Directed by debutant Vikram Reddy, the film features a promising ensemble cast, including Harsha Narra, Sandeep Saroj, Supraj Ranga, Tarun, and Sonu Thakur. Despite an initial theatrical run that lasted only three days due to tough competition from bigger films, the movie's quick turnaround to the digital platform signals a shift in its distribution strategy.
Though Roti Kapada Romance was promoted extensively before its release on November 28, 2024, it failed to make a significant impact at the box office. The film's rapid removal from theaters was a clear sign of its commercial struggle. However, within a week of its theater debut, the digital rights were acquired by ETV Win, an OTT platform known for streaming youthful, contemporary films. This quick transition underscores the shifting dynamics of film distribution in today’s media landscape.
ETV Win, which has also secured rights for several other Telugu films, has been steadily growing its content library. The platform's recent acquisition of Roti Kapada Romance follows in the footsteps of its successful streaming of KA, a period drama that has already garnered over 150 million streaming minutes. ETV Win's strategic approach to securing such films reflects its aim to target a younger audience with content that resonates with their experiences.