Personal Touch Skincare's pitch. Entrepreneurs Ashish and Aditi Jawa, who appeared in the fourth season of the show, have now voiced their frustration after facing accusations of manipulating their business figures. The duo, who sought an investment of Rs 1.2 crore for 1% equity in their company, were met with skepticism and harsh criticism from the judges, particularly Vineeta Singh, the CEO of Sugar Cosmetics.
During their pitch, Ashish and Aditi highlighted their company's impressive growth, showcasing a substantial increase in sales and social media reach. However, Vineeta questioned the authenticity of their claims, especially regarding their Instagram numbers and sales figures. «I’m having trouble giving you credit,» Vineeta remarked, expressing doubt about the true nature of their success. Her skepticism deepened when the pitchers insisted their social media reach was organic and not artificially boosted.
Vineeta took the extra step of verifying the sales data provided by the pitchers on Shopify, which led her to accuse them of inflating numbers. «Daal mein kuch kaala hai» (Something's fishy here), she commented, signaling her disbelief. This remark, along with the doubts raised by other sharks, left Ashish and Aditi feeling disrespected.
The emotional toll of the episode prompted Ashish and Aditi to take to social media to respond to the harsh treatment. In an Instagram video, Aditi shared, «It was a dream for us to go