Kunal Bahl, known for his calculated investments, made headlines on the latest episode of Shark Tank India Season 4 with an impressive offer of Rs 8 crore. “When I like a business, I go all in,” he declared. This episode featured a unique pitch by a couple from Uttarakhand, the founders of Kiwi Kisan Window, a brand dedicated to showcasing regional foods from across India.
Their product line includes kahwa from Kashmir, tea from Assam, spices from Kerala, and other regional delicacies sold through physical stores. However, their ambition to scale the business online led them to seek Rs 50 lakh in exchange for 1% equity, valuing their company at Rs 50 crore.
The founders revealed their journey, sharing that they met at activist meet-ups and launched the brand a few years ago. They projected sales nearing Rs 10 crore for 2024 and expressed their admiration for the Trader Joe’s model, even visiting 20 Trader Joe’s outlets in the past year for inspiration.
Kunal questioned their desire to venture into online sales, noting that Trader Joe’s thrives solely with offline stores. The founders explained that their goal is to meet customers where they are, citing competitors like Patanjali and Organic India.
The pitch attracted a panel of prominent investors, including Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh, Ritesh Agarwal, and Azhar Iqubal. Vineeta and Ritesh chose to step back, each citing specific reasons for their decision.