Triveni Turbine on Wednesday said it has secured an order worth Rs 2.9 billion from power giant NTPC. The order is to install a Co2-based standalone Energy Storage System (ESS) of 160 MWh at NTPC Kudgi STPP (Super Thermal Power Plant) in Karnataka, the company said in an exchange filing.
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The project shall be executed on a turnkey basis by Triveni Turbine along with technology partner Energy Dome over a period of 18 months.
The order was secured from NTPC at INR 2.9 billion from NTPC, it said.
Dhruv M Sawhney, Chairman & Managing Director, Triveni Turbines, said, «This is a landmark order from NTPC aiming to accelerate India's energy transition efforts by making renewable energy (RE) dispatchable. Our long-term partnership with Energy Dome, aims to deliver sustainable alternative green storage of energy also aligns well with our energy transition solutions.»
NTPC CMD Gurdeep Singh said, «Demonstration of new technology shall open new vistas in the field of electrical energy storage with several advantages like long lifetime of 25 years, no need of critical minerals like lithium, cobalt, topography agnostic and minimal performance degradation — unlike (in) Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).»
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT