Ajith Kumar and his wife, former actress Shalini, as their son Aadvik delivered an outstanding performance at his school's annual sports competition. The young sports enthusiast made his parents proud by excelling in multiple athletic events. Shalini, overjoyed by her son's achievement, took to Instagram to post a video showcasing Aadvik competing in various track races, including sprints and relay events, alongside his fellow students.
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With impressive speed and determination, Aadvik secured top rankings in the contests he participated in and was awarded three medals for his remarkable efforts. Fans of Ajith Kumar flooded the comments section with warm wishes and appreciation for the budding athlete.
On January 29, Shalini uploaded a compilation video capturing Aadvik’s memorable moments from the school’s sporting event. Expressing her excitement, she captioned the post with a series of vibrant emojis, including sparkling stars and hearts, symbolizing her pride and joy as a mother.
Here’s the video:
Many loyal admirers of Ajith Kumar responded to the post with heartfelt comments, with one fan writing, “Like father, like son (sic),” drawing parallels between Ajith’s achievements and Aadvik’s promising talents.
Meanwhile, Ajith Kumar has also been making waves in the world of motorsports. The renowned