Actor-director Upendra steps into the dystopian action genre with his highly anticipated film, UI The Movie. Released on Friday, December 20, the film has garnered a U/A certification. As audiences share their reactions, early reviews paint a mixed picture.
One reviewer noted, "#UITHEMOVIE, despite a predictable screenplay, is carried by the magnetic presence of Upendra. His signature sarcasm on global politics adds his distinct stamp. First half done." Another Twitter user criticized the screenplay, commenting that its predictability made some scenes feel flat and lack impact.
Another review read, “uithemovie despite the predictable screenplay, one man holds the audience with his presence; the name is Upendra, & the trademark sarcasm of world politics; it's his signature & stamp overall… 1st half done.”
Another netizen felt that the screenplay was unsatisfactory. “ #UiTheMovie's first half has been decent so far, with pure rage and a standout one-man performance from #Upendra. However, there are a few flat scenes and a partially predictable screenplay flow, which are the drawbacks. The movie introduces a new plot and is technically brilliant, with excellent visuals and background music. The opening 10 minutes and the interval block had some exciting moments that kept the audience engaged.”
Initial responses to Upendra's directorial effort appear to be average. However, the film’s teaser drew high praise from Bollywood star Aamir Khan, who said, «I’m a huge fan of Upendra, and the trailer of UI The Movie