Lungs. This acclaimed play by Duncan Macmillan, which first premiered in 2022, has been directed by Quasar Thakore Padamsee. Starring Dilnaz Irani and Prashant Prakash, the poignant tale revolves around a couple contemplating the ethical and emotional complexities of bringing a child into a world fraught with conflict, climate change and a burgeoning population.
Set in an Indian context to resonate with audiences here, who might be grappling with similar circumstances, the play brings together humour and drama. At the Experimental Theatre, NCPA, Mumbai, till 26 May, with two shows on the weekend, at 4.30pm and 7.30pm. An immersive show, Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters, was first shown at the National Museum of Australia.
Developed in 2017, 100 artists were represented in this Aboriginal-led exhibition through art, sound, and multimedia. Now the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art (KNMA) and the Australian high commission have brought the digital component from this show to Delhi as part of the immersive installation, Walking through a Songline. Visual artist Sarah Kenderdine’s immersive artwork, Travelling Kungkarangkalpa, is an integral part of the original exhibition.
At the KNMA Saket, 26 May-30 June, 10.30am-6.30pm, after which it will travel to Bengaluru. NewArtX, a new digital fine art platform envisioned by Mumbai-based digital fine art tech pioneer Elephant Canvas, is presenting a new exhibition that aims to showcase art, not as a static object but as a living, breathing entity. The show, titled Boundless Horizons, presents artworks that combine animated movements with artistic imagination to lend viewers an immersive virtual experience.