Marvel Studios, in a surprising revelation, has confirmed the return of the formidable Thanos in the upcoming Season 2 of the animated series What If...?, set to debut on Disney+ on December 22. The latest trailer for the series has sent ripples across the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), promising fans an intriguing encounter with the Mad Titan in the multiverse landscape.
The conclusion of Loki Season 2 on Disney+ marked a significant departure from the era of the Infinity Saga, signaling that Thanos and the cosmic saga of the Infinity Stones are now firmly in the MCU's past. The character's fleeting appearance in The Marvels' final trailer had left some wondering about the Titan's future role in the franchise. However, Loki Season 2 firmly set the stage for new narratives, emphasizing the MCU's evolution into the Multiverse Saga.
Amidst speculations that Thanos might be relegated to the shadows of MCU history, Marvel Studios defied expectations by unveiling the return of the Mad Titan in the official trailer for What If...? Season 2. The animated series, known for exploring alternate realities within the multiverse, teased a gripping showdown between Thanos, Captain Carter, and the newly introduced hero, Kahhori.
The trailer offers a glimpse of Thanos wielding at least some of the Infinity Stones, engaging in a face-off with Captain Carter and Kahhori. A particularly ominous shot showcases Thanos gripping the top of Captain Carter's shield, foreshadowing an intense confrontation. Another intriguing moment hints at Thanos' involvement in the Battle of Wakanda from Avengers: