Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhit and Chitrakoot districts early Friday, police said. In Pilibhit, a car with 11 people crashed into a tree in an area under the Neoria Police Station, resulting in the death of five passengers, a senior police officer said.
«Some people from Khatima in Uttarakhand had come here to attend a wedding. They were on their way back in a Maruti Ertiga car with 11 people onboard. The car apparently lost control and crashed into a tree along the road,» Superintendent of Police (Pilibhit) Avinash Kumar Pandey told PTI Videos.
«Doctors have informed us that three people were brought dead to the hospital while two succumbed during treatment — a total of five casualties,» he said.
Pandey said four of the injured people were referred to a more advanced centre for better treatment while two were discharged after primary aid.
«All possible medical care is being provided to the injured,» he added.
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