Allu Arjun, who was previously detained in relation to the unfortunate demise of a woman during a stampede at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad during the screening of his recent film 'Pushpa 2: The Rule', has been granted bail after spending a night in custody. The superstar has finally broken the silence on the entire fiasco. In a media interaction, the ‘Desamuduru’ actor summed up the whole ordeal as “unfortunate.” He also pledged support to the dead fan’s family.
“I thank everyone; this incident was very unfortunate; we are extremely sorry whatever happened; we are with the family; this never happened with anyone; I am there to support the family in every way; I am thankful to everyone."
He also maintained that he had full faith in the legal system. “I believe in law; it’s very challenging situation for the family. I thank everyone for their love and support. I am here only because of your love,” he said.
On Saturday morning, Allu Arjun returned to his residence in Banjara Hills under strict security arrangements. Stepping out of his luxury car, he greeted the assembled crowd with folded hands as a sign of gratitude and waved to his supporters.
The actor had spent Friday night in Chikkadpally Central Jail after procedural delays stalled his bail release. Although the Telangana High Court had earlier approved interim bail, administrative complications and the absence of the jail superintendent prevented his release until the following day.
Arjun’s arrest on Friday led to his placement in 14-day judicial custody