Annapurna Studios in collaboration with Dolby has launched India’s first Dolby certified post production facility for cinema and home. The facility was unveiled by the renowned filmmaker S S Rajamouli in the presence of the celebrated actor Nagarjuna Akkineni, Vice Chairman of Annapurna Studios.
Interestingly, Rajamouli’s Academy-award-winning film RRR was the first-ever Indian film to be released in Dolby Cinema. A special footage of the film was played at the grand event.
SS Rajamouli said, «During the time of RRR, when we wanted to grade the film in Dolby Vision, we had to travel all the way to Germany. It was a bit disheartening that I couldn’t experience my film in Dolby Vision within my own country. But today, I’m thrilled to see a Dolby Vision grading facility right here at Annapurna Studios.» He added, «Even more exciting is the fact that, by the time my next film releases, there will be multiple Dolby Cinema across India.: He said, „Watching a film in Dolby Vision is an entirely different experience—the crystal-clear clarity and the way it enhances the nuances of every frame take storytelling to a whole new level. I can’t wait for audiences to experience it!”
Nagarjuna Akkineni, Vice Chairman and the face of Annapurna Studios, noted how the studio continues to be at the forefront of innovation in Indian cinema. «From being a pioneer in virtual production to now housing the country’s first Dolby Certified post-production facility for cinema and home, the attempt has always been to put Indian films on the