This follows an earlier video of a Cybertruck outfitted with a Kord 12.7 x 108 mm machine gun, which Tesla CEO Elon Musk reportedly disabled remotely. Kadyrov criticized Musk, saying, «This is not manly,» on Telegram. While outfitting civilian vehicles with weapons, known as «technicals,» is nothing new, the use of a high-tech electric truck adds a modern twist to this tactic. Kadryov claiming that Musk had supplied him the equipment was vehemently denied by the X founder, however.
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Technicals have been used in conflicts worldwide, dating back to World War I. In recent years, they've appeared in wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. The Cybertruck’s stealthy electric engine and bullet-resistant steel exoskeleton make it unique, though its range—340 miles (or 500 with an additional battery pack)—is less than that of traditional military vehicles.
Experts remain skeptical. Mark Cancian, a retired Marine colonel, called the trucks «totally cool and totally useless,» questioning their utility beyond stealth and their logistical challenges, particularly around charging. Despite the buzz around these electric vehicles, their future on the battlefield remains uncertain.
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