Barbie," the captivating creation starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling. Helmed by the directorial prowess of Greta Gerwig, this cinematic venture, which made its theatrical debut alongside Christopher Nolan's "Oppenheimer" on July 21, 2023, unfolded as a fascinating online spectacle. Even before the grand unveiling of these two blockbuster movies, the digital realm was abuzz with fervor, christening the co-release phenomenon as "Barbenheimer." The unique cinematic aura surrounding Gerwig's work promptly struck a chord with the audience, enrapturing their hearts and evoking their love for the film.
Streaming Wishes GrantedThe fervor of «Barbie» enthusiasts, who eagerly anticipated its online availability after its theatrical premiere, has found fulfillment through the expansive landscape of Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms. This eagerly awaited film is poised to grace the digital stage on September 5. Following a triumphant theatrical journey that amassed a colossal revenue of over $1 billion, «Barbie» is set to cast its spell in the realm of streaming. The film can now be pre-ordered on Amazon for a modest price of $19.99. However, a minor caveat accompanies this exciting opportunity. The pre-order window opens exclusively on Amazon Prime Video in the United States. The same privilege has yet to extend its embrace to the digital screens of the OTT giant's Indian domain. Margot Robbie as Barbie «Barbie» brings to life the iconic plastic doll in a Greta Gerwig creation that unfurls like a whimsical cotton candy dream. Margot Robbie's portrayal of Barbie encounters a world that diverges from her envisioned progressive utopia, while Ryan Gosling embodies Ken, a character that traverses the intriguing landscape of