Arun Roy, known for his critically acclaimed works Bagha Jatin (2023) and Hiralal (2021), passed away on Thursday morning after a prolonged battle with cancer. The director, 56, succumbed to a severe lung infection while receiving treatment at R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. Dr Kinjal Nanda from the hospital confirmed the news, explaining that Roy had been admitted to the hospital recently due to worsening health conditions. Despite being in the ICU and supported by a BiPAP system, his condition deteriorated further, requiring invasive ventilation.
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In an emotional Facebook post, Dr. Nanda expressed sorrow, writing, «Stay in peace my Hiralal, just like the original Hiralal.» According to reports in The Telegraph, Roy’s body will be taken to his residence in Haridevpur at 1 pm, after which it will be kept at Technicians' Studio for fans and colleagues to pay their respects.
Arun Roy, whose real name was Arunava Raychaudhuri, made a notable debut with Hiralal, which gained widespread acclaim for its gripping storytelling and memorable performances. The film featured Dr Kinjal Nanda in the lead role. Roy’s follow-up film, 8/12 Binoy Badal Dinesh (2022), reinforced his ability to bring historical and patriotic narratives to life. However, his crowning achievement came with Bagha Jatin, a film about revolutionary Jatindranath Mukherjee, with actor Dev playing the titular role.