Bihar government has extended the deadline for completing the ongoing statewide land survey by a year in a bid to minimise the inconveniences being faced by the people on account of the exercise, a top official said Monday. Talking to reporters here, Dipak Kumar Singh, additional chief secretary (ACS) of the Bihar revenue and land reforms department, said, «The department has decided to extend the July 2025 deadline for completion of the survey and settlement of land across the state by another year. Now, the exercise will be completed by July 2026. The decision has been taken to ensure that people don't face any inconveniences and also transparency in the exercise.»
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The objective of the entire exercise is to help the genuine people with digitised land records to end disputes once and for all, the ACS said.
Besides, the exercise will also let the government have a clear idea about its own land spread across the state, he said, adding, «The government needs land to give it to the landless and also for several infrastructure projects.»
«Out of a total 38 districts, the land survey exercise is almost in its last stage in 20 districts (covering 5,657 villages). The exercise in the remaining 18 districts (which will cover 37,384 villages) will start