Book Lovers Day more significant and interesting. Digital media offers the unique opportunity of reading a book free of cost or by paying a small amount.
Book Lovers DayBook Lovers Day is celebrated on August 9 every year and this year it falls on Wednesday. It is a day to celebrate book reading, which may be a hobby for someone and a passion for somebody else.E-booksE-books offer an exciting opportunity and a good experience of reading books as they give you tens of thousands of books at any moment. You need not think about the space to keep these books or to carry them wherever you go.Audio BooksAudio Books offer a unique experience of enjoying the books without reading them. You can listen to a book while driving a car or doing some odd work. It is like listening to music.Book ClubThose who prefer physical books can subscribe to any book club and be a member of the Book of the Month club. By subscribing to such a club, you may get at least one new book at your doorstep. There are also clubs where you read a book and return it before getting another one.LibraryLibrary is the last resort of every book lover where he can borrow and read many books after paying a token amount or free. Commercial libraries with the motive of making money are also flourishing where you must pay, but even this is cheaper compared to buying books.
FAQsWhat is an e-book?E-books offer an exciting opportunity and a good experience of reading books as they give you tens of thousands of books at any moment. You need not think about the space to keep these books or to carry them wherever you go.How does digital media offer an opportunity to book lovers?Hundreds of thousands of books are available on digital media platforms, like, e-books,