Chinmoy Krishna Das on the court premises in Chittagong, according to a media report. The Dhaka Tribune newspaper said the case names the Hindu leader, arrested on a charge of sedition, as the prime accused, along with 164 identified individuals and 400 to 500 unidentified people.
The complaint was filed by Enamul Haque, a businessman and activist of Hefazat-e-Islam Bangladesh, in the court of Chittagong Metropolitan Magistrate Md Abu Bakar Siddique.
Haque in his complaint alleged that he was attacked by followers of Chinmoy Krishna Das while returning home after completing land registry work at the court on November 26.
The businessman claimed that he was targeted for wearing a 'panjabi', a kurta, and a cap, which resulted in injuries to his right hand and head.
He was rescued by bystanders and admitted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital, the newspaper said. Haque also said that his delay in filing the case was due to his prolonged illness from the attack.
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