Credit cards are a popular means of making payments for a variety of purchases. While many credit cards cater to specific spending categories such as shopping, travel, dining, and entertainment, there are some all-round credit cards that provide significant savings across multiple categories. These versatile credit cards can be a good choice for consumers who use credit cards for most of their expenses and want to make the most of their savings. By choosing an all-round credit card, users can enjoy various benefits and maximize their savings on a range of purchases.
Such cards could also be helpful for people who find it difficult to manage multiple cards and would rather choose one that helps them save on multiple spends, explains Rohit Chhibbar, Head of Credit Cards, Paisabazaar.
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«Credit cards with good all-round benefits would be available for a slightly higher annual fee, with some belonging to the premium cards segment. When looking for one such card, it is important to see the extent of benefits offered across categories and choose a card that aligns with your spending patterns and eligibility. For instance, if the top two spending categories for you are online shopping and dining, a credit card that helps you save the most on these two categories would be better than a card that largely caters to travel or fuel,» says Chhibbar.
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