Starting any cryptocurrency journey begins with a single exchange, trade or transfer from fiat to crypto. Since the experience differs from that of traditional currencies, many users are often presented with a steep learning curve to begin buying, storing and trading digital assets. This finding resulted in several exchanges that were able to capture market share in the early trading days with basic functionality tailored to new users. However, as the industry and users themselves have evolved, offerings have fallen short in adapting their products to meet the changing needs of their customers. And this reality has only become more prevalent in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency industry we find ourselves in today.
Therefore, for blockchain and cryptocurrency to continue existing in the future, platforms must revolutionize the experience to be human-centric and tell a story worthy of continued adoption. Aiming to continue evolving the cryptocurrency experience is Poloniex. This cryptocurrency exchange is both trusted by the industry and intuitive for users, with functionality that is tailored to those of all experience levels.
Poloniex has proved its resilience, successfully coming out of eight years of continuous ups and downs, not unlike the cryptocurrency market at large. Established on Jan. 18, 2014, the Poloniex exchange became a leading exchange within the first three years of its existence, later being acquired and now under the leadership of H.E. Justin Sun. And Jan. 18, 2022, marks Poloniex’s 8th anniversary. On the heels of this exciting achievement, the team has made it their mission to upgrade their trading platform, redefine their mission, and improve the existing trading experience for all of their