Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday launched the registration for Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana. He visited the Shri Marghat Wale Baba Mandir at Kashmere Gate along with his wife Sunita Kejriwal to start the registration for the scheme.
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This comes after the former Chief Minister of Delhi on Monday announced 'Pujari, Granthi Samman Yojana' under which he stated that the priests of temples and the 'granthis' of the Gurudwara will receive an honorarium of about Rs 18,000 per month. He further stated that this scheme would be implemented once the AAP from the government wins in the upcoming polls in the national capital.
«Today I am making an important announcement regarding a scheme. The name of the scheme is Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana. Under this, there is a provision to give an honorarium to the priests of temples and the 'granthis' of the Gurudwara. They will be given an honorarium of about Rs 18,000 per month. This is happening for the first time in the country. The priest is a class that has carried forward the rituals from generation to generation. They never paid attention to their family and we never paid attention to them,» said Kejriwal.
«We know how pujaris serve us. Be it the birthday of our kid or the death of a loved one, they have always connected us with God. But they never gave attention to their