Arjun Sen, a marketing professional was at the peak of his career when his life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 32. What began as a routine day at work quickly spiralled into a life-altering event when he started vomiting blood during a meeting. His medical reports revealed a grim reality, with doctors giving him only 100 days to live. From a life of promotions and achievements, he was suddenly faced with a devastating challenge.
In an interview with Humans of Bombay, he revealed that he was determined to fight against all odds and chose not to give up. He shared that breaking the news to his family and friends was one of the hardest parts, especially since he was living in the USA and had to rely on phone calls to share his condition. The reactions ranged from tears to sympathy, which added to the emotional toll. There were moments when he felt too overwhelmed to even talk to people.
A pivotal moment came during a conversation with his young daughter, who asked, “Dad, are you dying?’ ‘Will you be there at my wedding?.. These questions reignited his determination. He began focusing on healthier habits, adhered strictly to his medical regime and invested all his resources into treatment. Encouragement from his medical team and friends, who referred to him as a “future cancer survivor”, kept his spirits high. As his health gradually improved, he started channelling his energy into writing, connecting with people, and cherishing time with his loved ones.
Years later, director