Senku Ishigami, the teen scientist who revived humanity with science, will embark on a new adventure in the upcoming “Science Future” arc of -Dr. Stone-. This next chapter will see Senku and his team journey to North America to secure resources for his ambitious space program.
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The Kingdom of Science crew, led by Senku and ship captain Ryusui, will face new challenges in this unexplored territory. Their primary goal is to obtain sweetcorn to mass-produce revival fluid, a crucial resource for bringing more people back to life. This fluid is a key component in Senku’s plan to rebuild civilization. The team aboard the Perseus includes Kohaku, a skilled fighter and scout; Taiju Oki, Senku's strong friend providing manual labor; and Gen Asagiri, a mentalist using strategy to aid their cause.
In Season 3, “Dr. Stone: New World,” saw Senku and the Kingdom of Science advance their technology to build the Perseus, a ship designed to locate the source of the petrification. Their journey led them to Treasure Island and a confrontation over the petrification device. Senku ultimately used the device’s remaining power to save Tsukasa.
Season 4 will focus on Senku's ambitious plan to travel to the moon. Before liftoff, the team will journey to America to gather necessary supplies. This mission may spark conflict, as hinted in season 3, with