The Xtrackers World Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF, Xtrackers Europe Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF and Xtrackers USA Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF were listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 3 November.
The funds offer investors the opportunity to invest in global firms that have a lower negative impact on the earth's ecosystem than the market average.
The Xtrackers World Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF, Xtrackers Europe Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF and Xtrackers USA Biodiversity Focus SRI UCITS ETF were listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on 3 November.
The ETFs for the US investment region and the global equity market were listed on the London Stock Exchange today (6 November).
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The products have total expense ratios of 0.3% and track different variants of the ISS STOXX Biodiversity Focus SRI indices.
Each biodiversity index uses a multi-stage filter for exclusions. Firstly, companies whose activities are demonstrably detrimental to biodiversity are excluded, for example, producers of palm oil, genetically modified agricultural goods or hazardous pesticides.
In subsequent screening according to the ISS ESG Biodiversity Impact Assessment Tool (BIAT), companies that have the strongest negative impact on biodiversity within an economic sector are identified and removed.
The United Nations biodiversity and climate-related development goals are also considered in the selection process.
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Finally, a filter ensures that the CO2 intensity of the portfolio is reduced by at least 50% compared to the broad market index.
Olivier Souliac, head of indexing Xtrackers products at DWS, said: «With the Xtrackers Biodiversity