Elon Musk Saturday announced plans to update to the algorithm of X (formerly known as Twitter), a social media platform he acquired in 2022 for $44 billion. In a series of posts on the platform, Elon Musk underscored the importance of prioritising content that users find genuinely engaging and valuable. The updates aim to prioritise content that maximises “unregretted user-seconds” and offers users more control over their feeds.
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Musk announced an impending algorithm update designed to highlight more informational and entertaining content. The changes, which will be detailed by the company’s engineering team, aim to address the issue of negative content dominating user feeds.
“Algorithm tweak coming soon to promote more informational/entertaining content. We will publish the changes to @XEng. Our goal is to maximise unregretted user-seconds,” Musk wrote. He explained that while some negative content may increase user time on the platform, it does not contribute to what he termed «unregretted user time.»
The concept of “unregretted user seconds” focuses on ensuring users feel their time spent on the platform is meaningful and enjoyable rather than driven by negativity or sensationalism.
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