«The number of models may double from what we had at that time. We have now SUVs, we have electric vehicles, we have CNG, we have ethanol, we have hybrids, none of which were of much consequence in those days,» says RC Bhargava, Chairman, Maruti Suzuki.What are the changes that you have seen in the past few years? How are you dealing with the changing economic scenarios? The circumstances have changed substantially from 2014. And those circumstances now are different in the sense that the volumes of production which we have now and in the coming five, seven, eight years are going to be maybe three to four times higher than what they were when we started in 2014.
The number of models may double from what we had at that time. We have now SUVs, we have electric vehicles, we have CNG, we have ethanol, we have hybrids, none of which were of much consequence in those days. At that time, we were only concerned with diesel and petrol.
So these have changed. And in our experience, to manage four million cars or getting up to four million cars and all that goes in production-related activities for four million cars, and then the coordination of different models and different technologies and the sale requires more than just what we can manage with one single centralised management system. Nowhere in the world does anybody manage anywhere near this volume with a centralised single management system.
It is all decentralised in some form or the other. And why the shareholder will benefit, I think is that because looking at the changes that are happening, we are reacting to the changes. We are not letting changes overtake us, but we will proactively try and deal with these changes and find the best solutions so that to the best of our
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