During Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha, BJP MP Sudhanshu Trivedi rose to speak on the topic: “Concern over suspicious and conspicuous attacks on national interest from abroad” and made remarks that had the Opposition up in protest, leading to adjournment of the Upper House.
“I would like to draw the attention of the House to a very serious, important and worrisome issue. Since India has emerged as a strong power under Modi, some activities of foreign powers have been noticed in which they are attacking the economic, social, and moral values of the country,” Trivedi said.
He referred to a report by Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), a French publication which he said has revealed information that such acts have been funded by foreign sources and the focus is on India. These elements also have a connection with business tycoon George Soros.
“I am not saying this on the basis of a report alone. I would like to draw the attention of the House that in the last three years, is it a mere coincidence that when the Parliament is on such reports come out? The report on Indian farmers came out on February 3, 2021 and the budget session began on 29 January, 2021; Pegasus report came out on 18 July, 20221 and the monsoon session began on 19 July, 2021; then again the budget session began on 31 January, 2023 and the Hindenberg report had come out on 24 January, 2023; the BBC report ‘India: the Modi Question’ also came out on 17 January, 2023,” Trivedi said.
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