Samajwadi Party (SP) MP Jaya Bachchan on Friday alleged that the BJP MPs, undergoing treatment in a hospital in the city, are doing «drama» and said they should be given all the awards for their «acting performance». Speaking to reporters during a protest march carried out by opposition parties here, the Rajya Sabha member also claimed that she has never seen in her career as an actor a «better performer» than BJP MPs Pratap Chandra Sarangi, Mukesh Rajput and S Phangnon Konyak.
The BJP hit back and said this is the «true culture» of the SP and the opposition INDIA bloc with Bachchan standing with the «aggressor», not with the victim, survivor and the tribal woman MP who has made «grave» allegations against Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi.
The acrimonious face-off between the opposition and the ruling NDA over alleged insult to B R Ambedkar took an unprecedented ugly turn in Parliament premises on Thursday with claims of pushing and shoving involving MPs, leaving two BJP members Sarangi and Rajput hospitalised.
Konyak, a woman BJP MP from Nagaland, alleged Congress leader Rahul Gandhi came in her «close proximity» and shouted at her during the protest which made her feel «extremely uncomfortable».
Asked for comment, Bachchan said, «Sarangi ji is doing drama… I have never seen a better performance in my career (as an actor) than that of Rajput ji, Sarangi ji and the woman (Member of Parliament) from Nagaland… They should be given all the awards in acting.»
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