Gujarat Government, under Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, has resolved 83 per cent of grievances submitted through the Visitor Management System, a platform introduced in January 2023 to ensure transparent and effective redressal of citizens' concerns.
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According to the official statement, under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel, the Gujarat Government continues to work tirelessly to serve its citizens. The government ensures that people can raise their concerns and grievances through multiple channels, reaching the highest levels if necessary.
Demonstrating a model of good governance through citizen empowerment, CM Bhupendra Patel introduced the Visitor Management System to personally address citizens' issues, achieving a resolution rate of 83 per cent for grievances to date, the statement added.
Further, the statement said, the Visitor Management System, launched on January 9, 2023, enables citizens to meet the Chief Minister in person and facilitates effective and transparent grievance redressal. The Chief Minister dedicates the first two days of the week--Monday and Tuesday--to meeting applicants. Visitors are required to register on the Visitor Management System portal, after which their requests are categorised into