However, over the past 50 years, the animated special, directed by Chuck Jones and Ben Washam, has become a holiday classic, spawning movies, musicals, and merchandise. Critics have given the original a 100 per cent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and the story's popularity persists in reruns, touring shows, and as a merchandising juggernaut.
The well-known holiday classic «How the Grinch Stole Christmas!» is based on Dr. Seuss' 1957 book.
The Grinch, a curmudgeonly, antisocial creature with hairy green fur, is the story's protagonist. He lives on a remote mountain outside of Whoville, the world's happiest town.
He intends to ruin Christmas by depriving the Whos of their gifts, dinner, and decorations. However, after being apprehended by the adorable Cindy Lou Who and seeing the Whos having fun without their material possessions, the Grinch falls in love with Christmas and grows three times larger.
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