Monalisa Bhonsle, a young woman who gained overnight fame during the ongoing Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, has returned to her home in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, at her father’s insistence. Nicknamed ‘Monalisa,’ she became an internet sensation when a video featuring her innocent smile and captivating blue eyes went viral, amassing over 15 million views.
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Her unexpected rise to fame, however, came with unforeseen challenges. Monalisa, who was selling garlands at the event, found her business disrupted as visitors and social media influencers began flocking to her for selfies and videos rather than purchasing her products. Social media user Sachin Gupta, who shared the development on platform X, noted that while her newfound popularity attracted large crowds, it negatively impacted her livelihood. Few people bought garlands, as the majority were more interested in interacting with Monalisa, leaving her business struggling.
Dubbed the ‘Brown Beauty’ by admirers online, Monalisa’s simplicity and natural charm left a lasting impression on people worldwide. Despite the outpouring of admiration, her viral fame had unintended consequences that made it increasingly difficult for her to continue working at the mela. YouTubers and visitors sought her out specifically for content, overshadowing her primary purpose of selling garlands.
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