Louisa Klouda, who serves as the CEO of Fenchurch Legal, made the incident public by sharing a screenshot of her conversation with Nirmal Patel. In the exchange, Patel informed her of his reluctance to collaborate with female professionals and ended his message with the unprofessional remark, «Be well, sweetheart.”
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According to Patel’s LinkedIn profile, he identifies as an “SFO deal syndicate middleman” and is currently based in London. He is an alumnus of the prestigious Imperial College, London, and UCL.
The exact circumstances of how Klouda and Patel’s interaction began remain unclear. However, records show that in December 2024, Patel reached out to Klouda with a message stating, “Happy to take a call as I don’t like to connect without knowing the person.”
When he did not receive a reply, Patel followed up with another message on January 6, consisting of nothing more than a single question mark.
This time, Klouda responded. The Fenchurch Legal CEO greeted him politely and extended her New Year wishes before inquiring about his availability for a future discussion.
“Hi Nirmal, I hope you’re well. Happy New Year! Would you be available for a team call next week at some point?” she asked. “If so, please share times and days that work for you.”
Rather than responding
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