Keerthy Suresh recently shared a glimpse of her wedding celebration from December 2024 on Instagram, and the pictures are nothing short of spectacular. The actress, known for her elegance, turned heads in a stunning white and gold lehenga choli that was a perfect blend of Kerala's rich traditions and modern wedding styles. The couple's outfits captured the essence of their heritage while adding a contemporary twist.
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Keerthy’s lehenga was an exquisite masterpiece, intricately adorned with detailed motifs inspired by Kerala’s vibrant culture. The design showcased iconic elements like bridal palanquins, majestic elephants, and scenes from the lively Pooram festivities. The lehenga also featured palms, traditional martial arts, boat races, and nostalgic glimpses of an ancestral home. To complement the ensemble, she draped a mustard-toned dupatta that beautifully matched her golden-embroidered panelled lehenga.
Adding to her regal look, Keerthy wore a bold choker, a traditional jewellery piece that exuded charm. Her necklace was adorned with enamelled parrot motifs and leaves, bringing a touch of nature to her ensemble. The finishing touches included iconic coin bangles and statement rings, creating a harmonious and elegant look.
Her makeup exuded freshness and