Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, has finally rolled out its much-anticipated Stories feature for all users, after earlier making it available for only premium subscribers. Though it’s an old feature, what sets Telegram apart is its unique twist on the conventional Stories concept – the ability for users to effortlessly edit their stories after posting, reported TechCrunch. Users can effortlessly edit various facets of their stories, ranging from visibility and captions to on-screen text, stickers, and more, all without the need to delete and repost content. Telegram aptly stated in a blog, «For the first time in the history of social media, you can update any element of your story at any time… without having to delete and repost it from scratch.» This functionality has been absent on other prominent social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and TikTok.
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« Back to recommendation storiesI don't want to see these stories becauseSUBMITMeanwhile, there’s also Telegram's dual-camera mode, which empowers users to blend content from both the front and rear cameras. This creates a picture-in-picture layout, reminiscent of video calls, injecting an extra layer of visual intrigue into shared stories. Beyond this, Telegram's media editor provides an extensive toolkit for creative expression. Users can integrate text, drawings, stickers, and location tags into their stories, creating