Naga Chaitanya is preparing to tie the knot with Sobhita Dhulipala on December 4 at Annapurna Studios, making this his second marriage following his divorce from Samantha Ruth Prabhu. Now, a few photos from actress Sobhita’s pre-wedding rituals have grabbed the spotlight and become the buzz of the town. At the event, Samanta was spotted applying haldi to the bride-to-be. But the intriguing twist to the story is that it was Sobhita’s younger sister, Samanta Dhulipala, who shares the same name as Chaitanya’s ex-wife, who was present at the wedding.
The Night Manager actress is enjoying her pre-wedding celebrations, and fans are getting a glimpse of the festivities through beautiful photos shared by her family and friends online. On Sunday, Samanta Dhulipala posted unseen photos from the Raata Sthapana and Mangalasnaanam ceremonies, capturing her applying haldi for Sobhita and taking part in the rituals. Her caption read, “Healthy” and she added, “#SoChay.”
The sisters shared cheerful moments together, laughing and enjoying the pre-wedding festivities. Samanta posted pictures of Sobhita dressed in traditional attire, beautifully adorned with heirloom jewellery from their family. Fans quickly filled the comments section with heartfelt wishes for the couple as the actress gears up to tie the nuptial knot.
Samanta Dhulipala, the sister of Telugu actress Sobhita Dhulipala, is a medical professional specializing in fetal medicine. According to her LinkedIn profile, she currently serves as an