Samsung launched the Galaxy S25 series last week and as expected, it has reduced the price of the Galaxy S24 models soon after. The S24 was launched in India at a starting price of Rs 74,999 for 8G/128GB. Now, it sells for Rs 64,999, a Rs 10,000 discount. Prices of the other variants have also been revised with the 8GB/256GB available for Rs 70,999 (previously Rs 79,999) and 8GB/512GB for Rs 82,999 (Rs 89,999 at launch).
As is usually the case, you can get the phone at even lower prices via third-party retail. On Amazon, for example, you can get the base variant of the Galaxy S24 for as low as Rs 53,999 at the time of writing. That is Rs 11,000 cheaper than what it costs officially from Samsung. All in all, the S24 8GB/128GB is available at a discount of Rs 21,000, taking everything into account. Remember, there are no conditions attached which is to say, you don’t have to go through hoops like bank or exchange discount to get it.
It is obvious that a lot of people will be eying the Galaxy S24 since the S25 is basically the same phone with a new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite chip and some refinements. The big USP feature this year is One UI 7 software and a more useful suite of Galaxy AI features, though most of this should eventually make its way to the S24 through an update.
The Galaxy S25 has a starting price of Rs 80,999 in India for a version with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage. A version with 512GB storage will set you back by Rs 92,999.
On Amazon, the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 12GB/256GB Titanium Gray variant, was similarly selling for Rs 99,354 recently. The Galaxy S25 Ultra comes in three variants, 12GB/256GB, 12GB/512GB and 12GB/1TB, at Rs 1,29,999, Rs 1,41,999, and Rs 1,65,999, respectively.
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