Indian Army soldier was killed following an overnight encounter with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir's Sopore area, officials said on Monday. Sepoy Pangala Kartheek was injured in the exchange of fire with terrorists in a hideout at Zaloora Gujjarpati in Sopore police district and died as he was being evacuated from the scene of the gunbattle, they said.
Security forces laid out a cordon on Sunday when they noticed fire while busting a militant hideout. They maintained tight vigil at Zaloora Gujjarpati during the night and intensified searches for suspected terrorists in the area this morning, the officials said.
«All Ranks of the Chinar Corps salute the supreme sacrifice of Braveheart Swr Pangala Kartheek, who laid down his life in the line of duty. Chinar Warriors salute his immense valour and sacrifice, express deepest condolences and stand in solidarity with the bereaved family,» Srinagar-based Chinar Corps of the army posted on its X handle.