Netflix animated series "Terminator Zero" has been released. The series continues the story of Skynet, an AI that gains consciousness and wages war on humanity. It introduces new characters and a new plot.
Skynet, the AI from «Terminator 2: Judgment Day,» returns in the new Netflix series «Terminator Zero.» The series follows the aftermath of Skynet gaining consciousness on August 29, 1997, leading to a long war against humanity.
Set in 2022, «Terminator Zero» features a soldier named Eiko, voiced by Rosario Dawson, who is sent back to 1997. Her mission is to protect scientist Malcolm Lee, voiced by André Holland. Lee is developing an AI system named Kokono, voiced by Sonoya Mizuno, to compete with Skynet.
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The trailer shows Malcolm Lee's attempts to save Earth from Skynet while being hunted by an assassin from the future. The series introduces new characters within the Terminator universe, focusing on their efforts to alter the fate of humanity.
Voice Cast, Production, Release Date and Where to Watch
The series features voices from Timothy Olyphant and Ann Dowd. David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Don Granger serve as executive producers for Skydance. The eight-episode series will be available on Netflix starting August 29.
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When will «Terminator Zero» be released on Netflix?
«Terminator Zero» will