Netflix, Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics, and Legendary Television have teamed up for a whole new animated series that is based on the video game franchise Tomb Raider, with the new series to be out in 2024.
Initially made public besides an anime project dedicated to Skull Island in January 2021, Tomb Raider is one of the several video game adaptation projects in development by Netflix.
The Tomb Raider franchise has existed since the middle of the 1990s, being one of the largest gaming franchises in history. The franchise had 17 video games, with another addition on the way according to the reports. Within three years, the game will be reaching its 30th anniversary.
So far three movies are out based on the video game, which includes Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, The Cradle of Life, and two Angelina Jolie entries, in addition to the latest reboot in 2018 which stars Alicia Vikander, with Warner Bros releasing a sequel which is in works currently.
Tasha Huo is the writer of Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft series. Joro Soloway is the director of the series with Legendary Television being the producer besides Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics, Tractor Pants, and DJ2 Entertainment. Powerhouse Animation Studios will be working on the project. It is behind Castlevania on Netflix and very recently signed a first-look agreement with Netflix, operating out of Austin in Texas. The executive producers are Stephan Vladimir Bugaj, Howard K. Bliss, Jacob Robinson, Dmitri M. Johnson, and others.
In the initial days, Netflix has listed the project on its site as a