Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said in London during his ongoing visit to the UK. Addressing a community gathering at the High Commission of India in London on Wednesday evening, Birla shared insights from his dialogues with his UK counterpart — House of Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle and other members of Parliament.
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He noted that his interactions highlighted the strength of the India-UK parliamentary cooperation and the multifaceted nature of the bilateral partnership across multiple sectors.
«I had a good dialogue with leading UK parliamentarians and they displayed a strong belief in India's democratic values and growth story,» Birla said.
«Our electoral process is transparent, which has helped reinforce a belief in democracy around the world. We take pride as the largest democracy of the world, dubbed the 'mother of democracy', and I extend an invitation to come visit India's new Parliament as we mark 75 years of our Constitution,» he said.
«The scale of our country's progress is outpacing many other nations and in the coming years, India will make its mark as the topmost country to attract investments. The coming decades of the 21st century belong to India,» he added.
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By — Metla Sudha Sekhar, IT Specialist and Developer