Anupam Mittal, Shark Tank India judge and founder of People Group, welcomed the New Year with a sharp dose of sarcasm, blending humor with commentary on the hotly debated topic of a 70-hour work week. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Mittal cheekily addressed the ongoing discussion, writing, “All those worried about 70-hour work weeks, relax!” He further added a futuristic twist, saying, “AI gonna take our jobs so we will have all the time to chill in 2025,” pairing his unconventional message with a Happy New Year greeting.
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The debate over grueling work schedules was reignited by Infosys founder Narayana Murthy, who recently urged young Indians to dedicate 70 hours a week to work. He cited examples of countries like Japan, South Korea, and China, whose intense work cultures have propelled their economic and industrial progress. However, this perspective quickly faced backlash, with critics highlighting the human toll of such demanding schedules. Concerns over burnout, diminished quality of life, and steep declines in fertility rates—issues currently plaguing these nations—were prominently raised.
Mittal’s lighthearted take on the subject sparked diverse reactions on social media. One user humorously remarked, «But let’s just hope AI doesn’t end up demanding a salary and an appraisal too.” Another called it a “unique way to wish New Year wishes,” while a third joked, “That’s not really uplifting, Anupam! But happy New Year to you too.” Some poked fun at Murthy’s stance, with quips like, “Narayana Murthy