Shark Tank India Season 4 introduced a special Campus edition, spotlighting the innovation and ingenuity of young entrepreneurs. Among the participants was 16-year-old Meet Deore, a Class 12 student from Pune preparing for the JEE. Meet’s passion for technology emerged early in life, beginning in Class 2, when he invented an electric stirrer and automated his home’s curtains with a motorized system.
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His fascination with engineering paved the way for his dream project: constructing an electric go-kart. Aspiring to become a mechanical engineer, Meet said he planned to merge innovation with practicality by creating affordable electric vehicles. On Shark Tank India, he showcased his groundbreaking venture, Demi Bikes—an electric motorcycle with distinctive features. Entirely Made in India, the bike costs approximately Rs 40,000 to manufacture and is designed to be both economical and high-performing. During his pitch, Meet sought Rs 30 lakhs for a 10% equity stake, valuing his business at Rs 3 crores.
Meet meticulously designed the motorcycle’s frame on paper and collaborated with fabricators for welding. He independently handled the design and placement of all components. Hearing this, Aman Gupta remarked, «At 16, I didn’t even know if I’d pick commerce or Science!»
The Sharks watched