Abhay Singh, who is famously known as "IITian Baba" at the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, has captured the attention of many with his unusual journey from an aerospace engineer to a monk. Originally from Haryana’s Jhajjar district, Abhay was once a high-flying professional with a degree in aerospace engineering from IIT Mumbai. His transformation from an engineer to a spiritual seeker is a story of academic brilliance, professional success, and a deep spiritual awakening.
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As per a TOI report, Abhay’s academic performance was exceptional from a young age. He studied in Jhajjar and later moved to Delhi to prepare for the IIT entrance exam. His hard work paid off when he secured a place at IIT Mumbai. There, he graduated with a degree in aerospace engineering, and later pursued a Master's in Designing. After completing his studies, Abhay landed lucrative job opportunities in Delhi and Canada, where he earned a handsome salary of around Rs 3 lakh per month. However, despite his professional success, Abhay found himself struggling with depression and a sense of emptiness, which led him to question the materialistic world around him.
As reported by TOI, Abhay made a bold decision to leave his high-paying career in Canada to search for inner peace and purpose. He wanted to break free from the pressures and expectations of the corporate world. This decision marked the beginning of his spiritual journey, as he returned to
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